Lambdas solve a problem of readability, expressiveness and practicality. In this article we’ll show you 10 ways you can use it in your code.
This doesn’t do anything, but it’s the most basic way to compile without error.
#include <iostream>
int main(){
return 0;
Assigning Lambda Return to a Variable
auto a = [](){};
Inserting content into the body of the lambada
auto b = [](){
std::cout << "I \u2764 Lambda!\n";
Printing the contents of the lambda
auto c = [](){
std::cout << "I \u2764 Lambda!\n";
Passing parameter to Lambda
auto d = []( const char * s ){
std::cout << s;
d("I \u2764 Lambda!\n");
Returning defined type
auto e = []()->float {
return 3.6f;
}; std::cout << "0.9 + e = " << 0.9f + e() << '\n';
Passing existing variables
int x, y; x = y = 0;
auto f = [ x, &y ]{
std::cout << "x e y = " << x << " e " << ++y << '\n';
}; f();
// as y is reference, the value is changed
// x is read-only
// Output: x and y = 0 and 2
Running inside std::remove_if
and leaving the NUM(123.456.789-00) with only numbers
std::string s("123.456.789-00");
std::vector<std::string> num;
for (int i = 0; i < s.length() ; i++) {
num.push_back( s.substr(i, 1) );
num.erase( std::remove_if( num.begin() , num.end(), []( std::string h )->bool{
return ( h == "-" || h == "." );
} ) , num.end() );
To see the output:
for( auto z : num ){ std::cout << z; }; std::cout << '\n';
Calling with direct parameters
int n = [] (int x, int y) { return x + y; }(5, 4);
std::cout << n << '\n';
Capturing the clause as a reference
auto indices = [&]( std::string index ){
std::cout << index << '\n';
indices("Starting jobs ...");
That’s all for today, small daily doses that will always keep us in tune with C++!