Gogh is a set of Bash scripts that makes it easy to change the color scheme of terminals in Linux and macOS]. Currently, it offers 190 terminal color schemes and supports Gtk-based terminals, such as Gnome Terminal, Xfce Terminal, Mate Terminal, Pantheon Terminal, Tilix and Guake on Linux and iTerm2 on the Mac.
To install and use Gogh is very simple. First make sure you have the dependencies, example for APT-based systems:
sudo apt install dconf-cli uuid-runtime wget
After that, just choose one of the commands below, such as wget
or curl
bash -c "$(wget -qO- https://git.io/vQgMr)"
bash -c "$(curl -sLo- https://git.io/vQgMr)"
It will execute and display a list with 190 themes, example:
To choose just enter the NUMBER of the theme
Assuming you chose the theme 115 (Nord):
Next step is to click with the right mouse button and go to Preferences and in the right corner of the menu that will open, change the theme by setting it as the default, then just close and open the terminal and the layout again. colors will already be changed.
Visit the Gogh website for more details: