20 Essential Extensions for Laravel and PHP Development in VSCode

Including for TailwindCSS, code formatting and icons!

20 Essential Extensions for Laravel and PHP Development in VSCode

Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is a powerful tool for developers, and its flexibility is expanded through extensions.

If you are a Laravel developer, there are a number of extensions available that can make your coding experience more efficient and enjoyable.

Here are 21 essential extensions for Laravel development in VSCode:

1. Laravel Artisan

Laravel Artisan

Simplifies running Artisan commands directly from VSCode.

Click here to install this extension

2. Laravel Blade Snippets

Laravel Blade Snippets

Provides useful snippets to make coding easier in Blade, Laravel’s templating engine.

Click here to install this extension

3. Laravel Blade Spacer

Laravel Blade Spacer

Adds automatic spacing and organization to Blade code.

Click here to install this extension

4. Laravel Extra Intellisense

Laravel Extra Intellisense

Enhances VSCode’s artificial intelligence to provide more relevant suggestions when working with Laravel.

Click here to install this extension

5. Laravel Goto View

Laravel Goto View

Facilitates quick navigation between controllers and views in Laravel.

Click here to install this extension

6. Laravel Goto Controller

Laravel Goto Controller

Enables efficient navigation between routes, controllers and views.

Click here to install this extension

7. Laravel Snippets

Laravel Snippets

Offers a collection of Laravel snippets to speed up development.

Click here to install this extension

8. Laravel Goto Components

Laravel Goto Components

Simplifies navigation between components in Laravel.

Click here to install this extension

9. Laravel Create View

Laravel Create View

Allows quick creation of new Laravel views.

Click here to install this extension

10. Laravel Blade Formatter

Laravel Blade Formatter

Automatically formats Blade code for better readability.

Click here to install this extension

11. PHP Namespace Resolver

PHP Namespace Resolver

Helps with automatic resolution of PHP namespaces.

Click here to install this extension

12. DotENV


Adds syntax highlighting and Laravel .env file support.

Click here to install this extension

13. Laravel Extension Pack

Laravel Extension Pack

A package that brings together several essential extensions for Laravel development.

Click here to install this extension

14. Tailwind CSS IntelliSense

Tailwind CSS IntelliSense

Provides autocomplete and Tailwind CSS support.

Click here to install this extension

15. Beautify


Formats PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript code for better consistency.

Click here to install this extension

16. Material Icon Theme

Material Icon Theme

Adds colorful icons for different file types in VSCode.

Click here to install this extension

17. GitHub Markdown Preview

GitHub Markdown Preview

Makes viewing and rendering Markdown documents in VSCode easier.

Click here to install this extension

18. PHP Intelephense

PHP Intelephense

Offers advanced code assistance and analysis features for PHP.

Click here to install this extension

19. PHP DocBlocker

PHP DocBlocker

Simplifies the creation of documentation blocks for PHP code.

Click here to install this extension

20. PHPDoc Comment

PHPDoc Comment

Assists in creating and formatting PHPDoc comments.

Take advantage of these extensions to streamline your workflow when developing Laravel applications in Visual Studio Code!

Click here to install this extension

And as a bonus, also install the Debugbar via Composer:

composer require barryvdh/laravel-debugbar

laravel php vscode


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Marcos Oliveira

Marcos Oliveira

Software developer

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