For those who already know Dear ImGui, MicroUI is a simplistic alternative to C Language.
Features of MicroUI:
1100 sloc
(Lines of Source Code) of ANSI C;To use MicroUI you will need:
Duly installed on your machine or through Conan or Vcpkg, in addition to Git to clone the repository:
git clone
After cloned. To test, you can enter the example subdirectory:
cd microui/demo
Compile and run:
gcc main.c renderer.c ../src/microui.c -I../src -Wall -std=c11 -pedantic `sdl2-config --libs` -lGL -lm
./a.out # Run
Alternatively there is a
in the same directory!
The possible and probable display of the demo windows:
For more information see from the MicroUI repository on GitHub.