Darktile is a GPU-rendered terminal emulator (written in Go) designed for windows side by side.
Among its features are also:
First, make sure you have the dependencies:
Then just run the command:
curl -s "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/liamg/darktile/main/scripts/install.sh" | sudo bash
Once installed to open just run the command:
Or if you are using bspwm create an example shortcut in $HOME/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc
with the key combination: Super + shift + Enter .
# darktile
super + shift + Return
To change Darktile settings, create/edit a file at the address: $HOME/.config/darktile/config.yml
Configuration example:
opacity: 1.0 # Window opacity: 0.0 is fully transparent, 1.0 is fully opaque
family: "" # Font family. Find possible values for this by running 'darktile list-fonts'
size: 16# Font size
dpi: 72 # dpi
ligatures: true # Enable font ligatures e.g. render '≡' instead of '==='
image: "" # Path to an image to render as your cursor (defaults to standard rectangular cursor)
Below is an example GIF of using Darktile:
When hovering over a link, it highlights the link with information.
For more information, visit the Darktile repository on GitHub: