Make your programs portable and easy to implement.
Many times we are developing portable programs with C++ that we need to create a single code that works on different platforms.
And for that we need to use PRE PROCESSING DIRECTIVES: #ifdef, #if defined(), …
In this case there are specific MACROS for each operating system, for example:
If you want to detect if the system is Linux, just use the macro: __linux__;
If you want to check if it’s Windows, you can use: _WIN32 .
Checking if it’s Linux or Windows
Below is an example of C++ code that runs on both operating systems and emits a “Hello, World!” depending on the operating system:
In case of Windows, you can still create another #if inside to detect if:
_WIN64 , this Windows is 64-bit only;
_WIN32 , both 64-bit and 32-bit
__CYGWIN__ another more modern alternative.
Checking various operating systems
You can still detect all operating systems. Below is another example that not only detects Linux and Windows, but also checks if it is: macOS, FreeBSD, Android:
You can still check if it is UNIX type (Linux or BSD, macOS NOT): unix, __unix or __unix__ .
For a complete list of all macros for operating systems you can see here.