Open Design: 27 Free Tools for Designers

Mostly available for Linux, macOS and Windows.

Open Design: 27 Free Tools for Designers

The designer Avi Barel made a list of several tools/Free software and other freeware for people who work with design and want to maintain quality with more confidence and even less cost. And he described a little of each one informing which Adobe tool is comparable and we decided to add some information to improve the understanding of such.

01. Krita

Alternative to Adobe Photoshop. Krita

02. GIMP

Alternative to Adobe Photoshop. GIMP

03. Inkscape

Alternative to Adobe Illustrator and Corel Draw. Inkscape

04. DarkTable

Alternative to Adobe LightRoom. DarkTable

05. Lightzone

Alternative to Adobe LightRoom. Lightzone

06. Scribus

Alternative to Adobe Indesign. Scribus

07. Ardour

Alternative to Adobe Audition and Fruity Loops. Ardour

08. Audacity

Alternative to Adobe Audition and SoundForge. Audacity

09. Synfig Studio

Alternative to Adobe Animate. Synfig Studio

10. Fusion

Alternative to Adobe After Effects. Fusion

11. Natron

Alternative to Adobe After Effects. Natron

12. Kdenlive

Alternative to Adobe Premiere. Kdenlive

13. DaVinci Resolve

Alternative to Adobe Premiere. DaVinci Resolve

14. Olive Editor

Alternative to Adobe Premiere. Olive

15. Blender

Alternative to 3D Studio Maya and 3D Max Studio. Blender

16. FreeCad

Alternative to AutoCad. FreeCad

17. LibreCad

Alternative to AutoCad. LibreCad

18. Sweet Home 3D

Alternative to Sketchup 3D. Sweet Home 3D

19 - Pencil

Alternative to Axure RP. Pencil

20. Balsamiq

Para o Linux funciona via Wine.

Alternative to Axure RP. Balsamiq

Online alternatives

21. quickMockup

Alternative to Balsamiq / Axure RP / Invision. quickMockup

22. Wireframe

23. Vectr

24. Alva

25. Akira

26. Marvel

27. InVision

In summary

Finally, when it comes to free and open source software, it is so nice to see that there are so many designers involved. You can let us know in the comments about which free and open source product you use as an alternative to any commercial product. Via UX Planet, Originally published by Avi Barel on StartUX on February 7, 2018.

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Marcos Oliveira

Marcos Oliveira

Software developer

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