Shell++ is a programming language that aims to bring functionalities from modern languages, such as ease of manipulation of data structures, object-oriented programming, functional programming and others including Shell Script.
Clone the repository recursively:
git clone --recurse-submodules -j8
After cloned, we realized that it uses CMake, if you export the CXX
variable, you may be able to use another compiler, but you will need: CMake, GCC and GNU Make.
Some distros offer the package with essential tools for building binaries, if you use Debian, Ubuntu, Mint and simlares, just install the package: build-essentials. If you use Gentoo, you don’t need to install anything.
# you can change the compiler with this command:
export CXX=$(which clang++)
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
After building the binary, it can be found at: ./shell/shpp
. You can run one:
sudo make install
Remembering that you can also execute the binary directly.
Basic usage example:
cat << EOF >
print("Hello, Shell++")
And among several other forms of use that we can see here in the project’s repository documentation.
Among other options:
The video is in Brazilian Portuguese, but you can use automatic translation from Youtube or even just watch the procedures, because the commands are universal