The Best Game Libraries and Engines for Java

Developing games in Java is a good way for you to port your games to different operating systems.

The Best Game Libraries and Engines for Java

Developing games in Java is a good way for you to port your games to different operating systems, as well as easily porting it to Android.

There are several libraries and game engines for Java that can be useful depending on the type of game you want to develop. Here are some of the most popular:

01. LibGDX

LibGDX is an open source cross-platform game development library for Java. It offers a wide range of features for 2D and 3D game development and is known for its ease of use and performance.

We have already done a series with Java and LibGDX which is available on our YouTube channel.

To follow all the videos, see the Playlist below:

LibGDX official website

02. jMonkeyEngine

jMonkeyEngine is an open source 3D game engine for Java. It offers a variety of features for 3D game development, including advanced rendering, physics, animation, and more.

jMonkeyEngine Official Website

#03. Slick2D Slick2D is a lightweight and easy-to-use library for developing 2D games in Java. It offers features for graphics, sound, user input, and more.

Official Slick2D website

04. JavaFX

Although not specifically a gaming library, JavaFX can be used to develop simple Java games. It offers features for 2D and 3D graphics, animation, visual effects, and more.

Official JavaFX website

05. PlayN

PlayN is an open source cross-platform game development library for Java. It allows you to develop games that can run on multiple platforms including desktop, web browser, and mobile devices.

PlayN official website

These are just a few of the many game libraries and engines available for Java. Choosing the best library or engine depends on the specific needs of your project and the type of game you want to develop.

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Marcos Oliveira

Marcos Oliveira

Software developer

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