Use a Terminal Chat

WeeChat is an IRC client distributed under the terms of the GNU GPLv3 license.

Use a Terminal Chat

WeeChat is an IRC client distributed under the terms of the []GNU General Public License 3]( and has been in development since 2003.

It is extensible to several languages such as: C, Python, Perl, Ruby, Lua, Tcl, Scheme, Javascript and PHP.


Use your distribution’s package manager, examples:

emerge weechat # Gentoo, Funtoo, ...
sudo apt install weechat # Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, ...
sudo pacman -S weechat # Arch, Manjaro, ...
sudo dnf install weechat # Red Hat, CentOS, Fedora, ...

WeeChat is also available for: OpenBSD, NetBSD, FreeBSD, GNU Hurd, macOS, Solaris and more.


  • weechat - Opens WeeChat;
  • /help - Get help;
  • /quit - Exits WeeChat;
  • /clear or just the CL alias - Clear the buffer;
  • /server add freenode - Adds a server, in this example the one from the best known;
  • /connect freenode - Connect to freenode without nickname and without channel;
  • /join #gentoo - Join the #gentoo channel or create a temporary channel for use;
  • /nick marcosgentoo - Set your nickname to marcosgentoo;
  • /msg user "My message" - Send a private message to user, for everyone on the channel just type and press enter;
  • /close - Leave a channel or a private chat;
  • /disconnect - Disconnect from the Server.

If you want to do tests online, I suggest you test with:

Some Shortcuts

  • Alt + ←, Alt + ↓,…, F5 or F6 - Navigate through the side panel to choose who to send, for example: specific user or the entire channel;
  • F12 - Scrolls the names of users online;
  • Alt + l - Change the layout style;

Registering a user

If you want to have a registered nickname, use the command:

/msg NickServ REGISTER YourPassword

Log in with your registered user:

/connect 6667 YourNick:YourPassword

Whenever you use and want to ask something, join the channel: #terminalroot and let’s chat!

You can still accomplish a lot with WeeChat, for that I suggest you consult the documentation on the links:

There is a video that shows most of the tips mentioned above. The video is in Brazilian Portuguese, but you can follow it, because the commands are universal.


terminal weechat chat


YouTube channel


Marcos Oliveira

Marcos Oliveira

Software developer

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