Use Modern C++ std::any in your projects

🕳️ Say goodbye to void* once and for all.

Use Modern C++ std::any in your projects

std::any is a feature of the C++ standard library that was introduced in C++17.

This component belongs to the set of type-safe container classes, providing a safe means to store and manipulate values of any type.

It is especially useful when you need to deal with situations where the type of the variable can vary! 😃

Then you say:

- Oh man! Good. For these cases I use void *.

Yes, you’re really right, but have you seen how the new generation is in relation to memory safety???

Not to mention that void* is really dangerous!

If you do this, it works:

void * some_data; // Bad idea

std::string str = "Hi";
int x = 3;
decltype(x) y = 6;

some_data = &str;
std::cout << *(std::string*)some_data << '\n';

some_data = &x;
std::cout << *(int*)some_data << '\n';

some_data = &y;
std::cout << "Type of y: " << typeid(y).name() << '\n'; // include typeinfo

But, the chance of this giving s%1t is great! At the end of using these variables, some_data will continue to exist, that is, an indefinite lifetime!

And it is to replace void* that std::any was created in Modern C++ which, of course, is totally Safe!

In other words, it is a wrapper that encapsulates your variable to a shared_ptr(smart pointers) of life! Yes, and there is even a std::make_any!!!

How to use std::any

First you need to include its header:

Logically, it only works from C++17 as was said at the beginning!

#include <any>

And now the same code that was presented above, but using std::any:

#include <iostream>
#include <any>

int main(){
 std::any some_data;

 std::string str = "Hi";
 int x = 3;
 auto y = std::make_any<decltype(x)>(6);

 some_data = str;
 std::cout << std::any_cast<std::string>(some_data) << '\n';

 some_data = x;
 std::cout << std::any_cast<int>(some_data) << '\n';

 some_data = y;
 std::cout << "Type of y: " << some_data.type().name() << '\n';

In the code above we saw that:

  • std::any some_data; - Declares the variable;
  • std::any_cast<T>(some_data) - Converts to the desired type;
  • std::make_any<T> - Another way to create objects;
  • some_data.type().name() - Gets the data type without needing typeinfo.

And you can use it for absolutely everything: std::vector, Lambda and all existing data types!

And the guy asks something else:

- OK! What if I want to end the lifetime of std::any manually?

Just use the reset union structure or even the initialization operator:

// Or
some_data = {};

— And to check if std::any is empty?

Use has_value():

std::cout << (some_data.has_value() ? "Full!" : "Empty.") << '\n';

The unionless type() with name() can be used to compare types:

std::cout << (some_data.type() == typeid(void)) << '\n'; // 0 to false
std::cout << (some_data.type() == typeid(int)) << '\n'; // 1 to true

To use Boolean names use: std::cout << std::boolalpha << (some_data.type() == typeid(int)) << '\n';.

To throw exceptions you must use std::bad_any_cast:

try {

 std::any any_str("Hiii");
 auto my_any{ std::make_any<std::string>(any_str.type().name()) };
 std::cout << std::any_cast<std::string>(my_any) << '\n';

}catch (const std::bad_any_cast& e) {
 std::cerr << "Error: " << e.what() << std::endl;

To check whether everything really complies, never forget to use the flags for your compiler: -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -g -fsanitize=address.

Real life example

Imagine you have code that needs to concatenate several types and return a string. However, one of the types can be: int, double or std::string.

If you use std::any_cast<T> in the return like this:


#include <iostream>
#include <any>
#include <sstream>

enum class Message {

std::string add_info(Message, const std::string&, std::any, int);

int main(){
    std::any obj;

    obj = std::string("Start");
    std::cout << add_info(Message::SUCCESS, " of type string: ", obj, 3) << '\n';

    obj = 6;
    std::cout << add_info(Message::WARNING, " of type int: ", obj, 9) << '\n';

    obj = 3.14;
    std::cout << add_info(Message::ERROR, " of type double: ", obj, 0) << '\n';

    std::cout << add_info(Message::UNKNOW, " no type: ", obj, 9) << '\n';

    obj = "CONST_CHAR";
    std::cout << add_info(Message::SUCCESS, " no type: ", nullptr, 9) << '\n';

    return 0;

std::string add_info(Message msg, const std::string& out, std::any object, int num){
    return std::any_cast<std::string>(msg) + out + "'" + std::any_cast<std::string>(object) + "' " + std::to_string(num);

Compile: g++ -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -g -fsanitize=address main.cpp.

There will be a std::bad_any_cast in the output:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_any_cast'
 what(): bad any_cast

Both conversions (from msg and object) are incorrect:

std::any_cast<std::string>(msg) + ...
// How much

You need to make a switch case for the enumerator and in the case of the object parameter: You will need to use has_value(), store the type() in std::type_info& and use a std:: stringstream to assign return types with union to: str(), like this:

#include <iostream>
#include <any>
#include <sstream>

enum class Message {

std::string add_info(Message, const std::string&, std::any, int);

int main(){
    std::any obj;

    obj = std::string("Start");
    std::cout << add_info(Message::SUCCESS, " of type string: ", obj, 3) << '\n';

    obj = 6;
    std::cout << add_info(Message::WARNING, " of type int: ", obj, 9) << '\n';

    obj = 3.14;
    std::cout << add_info(Message::ERROR, " of type double: ", obj, 0) << '\n';

    std::cout << add_info(Message::UNKNOW, " no type: ", obj, 9) << '\n';

    obj = "CONST_CHAR";
    std::cout << add_info(Message::SUCCESS, " no type: ", nullptr, 9) << '\n';

    return 0;

std::string add_info(Message msg, const std::string& out, std::any object, int num){
    std::string local_msg {"NOTHING"};
    std::stringstream ss;

    switch (msg){
        case Message::SUCCESS:
            local_msg = "SUCCESS";
        case Message::WARNING:
            local_msg = "WARNING";
        case Message::ERROR:
            local_msg = "ERROR";
        case Message::UNKNOW:
            local_msg = "UNKNOW";

    if (object.has_value()) {
        const std::type_info& type = object.type();
        if (type == typeid(std::string)) {
            ss << std::any_cast<std::string>(object);
        } else if (type == typeid(int)) {
            ss << std::any_cast<int>(object);
        } else if (type == typeid(double)) {
            ss << std::any_cast<double>(object);
        } else {
            ss << "null";
    } else {
        ss << "[no object]";

    return local_msg + out + "'" + ss.str() + "' " + std::to_string(num);

Compile: g++ -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -g -fsanitize=address main.cpp and after running ./a.out, the output will be:

SUCCESS of type string: 'Start' 3
WARNING of type int: '6' 9
ERROR of type double: '3.14' 0
UNKNOW without type: '[no object]' 9
SUCCESS without type: 'null' 9

It seems laborious, but this is the correct way to end the lifespan of any type!

In addition to being completely SAFE, std::any is very practical and a great help!

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Marcos Oliveira

Marcos Oliveira

Software developer