How to Install Lua LSP on Neovim

Series on how to configure LSP for your programming language in Neovim

How to Install Lua LSP on Neovim

Today we are going to start a series on how to install Language Server Protocol (LSP) for different programming languages on Neovim.

This article assumes you already know:

  • What is an LSP, if you don’t know see here .
  • You already know how to configure your Neovim, if you don’t know, see here .
  • You already have basic knowledge of Lua, if you don’t, see here .

In this first article of the series we will configure the LSP for Lua .

Lua uses the LSP that is in the repository, the same one used in VS Code .

For this article we are going to use Ubuntu 22.04 , if it is in a different version or different operating system or even in another distribution, just use search from your package manager.


First of all, make sure you have the following packages/software installed on your system:


sudo apt install gcc g++ clang ninja-build

Installation of LSP

1st - Prepare a directory where the LSP will be stored

In this case I will store it in ${HOME}/.config/lsp, change the path if you are more interested

Create the directory and enter it

mkdir -p ~/.config/lsp
cd ~/.config/lsp

2nd - Now clone and compile the lua-language-server binary

With the following commands in order:

git clone --depth=1
lua-language-server cd
git submodule update --init --recursive
3rd cd/luamake
cd ../..
./3rd/luamake/luamake rebuild

3rd - Add the binary to your $PATH

Neovim already has several LSPs built in, what is missing is for it to find the path to the binary in its $PATH.

To do this, run the commands below:

If you used a path other than ~/.config/lsp , change it accordingly.

echo 'export PATH="${HOME}/.config/lsp/lua-language-server/bin:${PATH}"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
execute $SHELL

Configuring Neovim

Add LSP support for Lua as per the configuration style you chose. In this case, as an example, let’s use init.lua .

vim ~/.config/nvim/init.lua

And add the code below

require'lspconfig'.sumneko_lua.setup {}

If everything is ok, you will have: function details, error and warning information, autocomplete according to tables and so on. Examples:

print LSP Lua Autocomplete table LSP Lua warnings and errors LSP Lua

Useful links

lua neovim


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Marcos Oliveira

Marcos Oliveira

Software developer

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