Spectrum is a console-based music player written in C++ and with the FTXUI library, that is, you will have a TUI environment to view graphically the frequency of each part of your song.
First of all you will need the following dependencies, example for Ubuntu:
sudo apt install build-essential libasound2-dev libavcodec-dev \
libavfilter-dev libavformat-dev libfftw3-dev libswresample-dev
After that just clone the repository and compile:
git clone https://github.com/v1nns/spectrum.git
cd spectrum
cmake -S . -B build
Once compiled, you can test it without installing by running the command: ./build/src/spectrum
, but to install it on your system, run:
sudo cmake --install build
Once installed, you can remove the cloned directory:
rm -rf spectrum/
To open Spectrum just run the command:
.Click on the image to view it in a higher resolution
Click on the image to view it in a higher resolution
We made a video about the FTXUI library which can be seen at the address below:
For more information about Spectrum visit the repository on GitHub.