5 Language-Independent Extensions for VSCode

🚀 And more tips for changing the font and cursor.

5 Language-Independent Extensions for VSCode

Do you know when you install VSCode and need to configure it your way? You already start thinking about extensions according to your programming language, however, before that you need to make it functional and pleasant for any situation.

Although I don’t use VSCode much, I use Vim/Neovim more, when I need to develop something for the Web, I usually use VSCode.

And below are 5 extensions that I always install when I need to configure VSCode on any new PC or when I format mine.

01. All Autocomplete

All Autocomplete is an extension that expands VSCode’s autocomplete functionality by suggesting words from all open files, not just the current file. Useful for maintaining consistency in large projects.


02. One Dark Pro

Although I use Sobrio in Vim and Neovim, in VSCode I prefer One Dark Pro. It is a Visual Theme inspired by Atom’s One Dark, offering a dark and well-contrasted color scheme, ideal for those who prefer elegant and easy-on-the-eye interfaces.

One Dark

03. Markdown All in One

Markdown All in One is a complete extension for Markdown editing, providing shortcuts, preview, table generation and support for to-do lists, making writing more efficient.


04. VSCodeVim

We’ve already made a video about VSCodeVim, it’s an extension that adds support for Vim mode within VSCode, allowing Vim commands, navigation, and shortcuts for users accustomed to this editing experience.

How to Use VIM with VS CODE

05. IntelliCode

And finally, IntelliCode is a Microsoft extension that improves code suggestion using artificial intelligence, offering intelligent recommendations based on popular code patterns.


In addition to these extensions I also configure the font:


On GNU/Linux or macOS systems:

fc-list | grep "JetBrains"
  • I change the font configuration

In settings.json (Ctrl+Shift+P → “Preferences: Open Settings (JSON)”) and set:

"editor.fontFamily": "'JetBrainsMono Nerd Font', 'JetBrains Modo Medium Nerd Font', monospace"

Then just restart VSCode for the changes to be applied. I also change the cursor in both the editor and the terminal to I-Beam/Vertical bar.

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Marcos Oliveira

Marcos Oliveira

Software developer

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