
Install this Window Manager written in C++

With settings similar to i3wm and gaps like bspwm.

Install this Window Manager written in C++

WMDerland is a Tiling Window Manager for the X11 server and uses space partitioning trees.

It was written in C++, has gaps(spaces) between windows and can be easily configured by a file with INI syntax.


Before installing you from the following dependencies:

Example of installing dependencies on systems using the APT package manager:

sudo apt install git libx11-dev g++ gcc make cmake

Now just clone, enter the directory and build with the following commands:

git clone
wmderland cd
./build --install

After the build is finished it will ask for your sudo/doas/su password to copy the files to the system directories.

You can also install via AUR or Overlay on Arch or Gentoo, respectively:

yay -S wmderland-git
emerge -av x11-wm/wmderland


After creating a directory named wmderland in ~/config and copying the installed default configuration file:

mkdir -p ~/.config/wmderland
cp /etc/xdg/wmderland/config ~/.config/wmderland/.

Not configuration file or terminal emulator default is rxvt-unicode, if you didn’t have it installed change the line 178 of the configuration file and substitute urxvt for your terminal, for example if you use gnome-terminal:

sed -i 's/exec urxvt/exec gnome-terminal/g' ~/.config/wmderland/config

Now just log out, choose wmderland, which is already available, in your Display Manager and log in. If you log in with ~/.xinitrc put this line at the same:

exec wmderland

#use WMDerland uses the Super key as mod, so the most common keyboard shortcuts are:

  • Super + Enter - Opens the defined default terminal;
  • Super + Shift + q - Closes a window;
  • Super + Shift + Esc - Logs out of WMDerland;

And among others that you can also modify in configuration file .

Some settings should already pre-define system not config the software installed on your system.

For more information visit the official repository .

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