How to Install Programs via Layman on Gentoo

Layman is a ebuild repository management tool. It offers a single command-line interface to repository management for end users.

First you need to install, logically, the layman

emerge -a layman

Then create a configuration file make.conf for layman

mkdir -p /var/lib/layman/
touch /var/lib/layman/make.conf

After that you need to include the configuration file that we created for layman in Portage’s make.conf

echo 'source /var/lib/layman/make.conf' >> /etc/portage/make.conf

Synchronize data

layman -S
emerge --sync

Now add a layman repository, click here to see the full list of repositories available or run sudo layman -L to see the full list of repositories available locally.

For this example I’m going to add the raiagent repository

layman -a raiagent # [y/n] y

After doing all the above procedure, suppose I want to install the Powerline that is in the raiagent repository that I added, so, just I install it

emerge -a app-misc/powerline

Sometimes when you try to install some application, Portage asks that after the first attempt, you run the command etc-update, if this happens to you, run the command below and again run the command to install the desired application…

etc-update --automode -5
emerge -a app-misc/powerline

If you want to remove a layman, run the command: sudo layman -d [name-], example:

sudo layman -d raiagent

If there is a repository that exists but is not on the list, get the xml from the maintainer and add it manually, example:

layman -a bgo-overlay -o -f

-f is optional.

Any questions, use the comments!

gentoo layman


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Marcos Oliveira

Marcos Oliveira

Software developer

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